1. Ayurvedic Name:Dandappala.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Wrightia tinctoria Linn.
Features:A small and beautiful deciduous tree grows up to 10 meters. Its leaves are opposite, up to 8-15 cm long and lanceolate. Bark ivory colored. Flowers are usually seen in the tip of branches, scattered in the inflorescence and whitish and with fragrance. Fruits are long follicles with adhered tips and long up to 50 cm. Seeds are 1-2 cm long.
Plant pacify vitiated tridoshas, fever, stomach ache, skin diseases especially psoriasis and diarrhea Useful part : Leaf, Seeds, Bark.
2. Ayurvedic Name:Darbha.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Desmostachya bipinnata (Linn.) Stapf.
Features:A perennial grass grows up to 50 cm in height. Leaves many, long, acute, linear, with hispid margins, panicle erect, clothed with sessile spikelets; grains small, ovoid, trigonos and laterally compressed.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, diarrhea, dysentery, menorrhagia, jaundice, skin diseases, burning sensation and excessive perspiration. Useful part : Whole plant.
3. Ayurvedic Name:Dasamoola.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name: It consists of Ten ingredients - Aegle marmelos, Gmelina arborea, Premna serratifolia, Premna serratifolia, Steriospermum colais, Oroxylum indicum, Solanum anguivi, Solanum xanthocarpum, Desmodium gangeticum, Pseudarthria viscida, Tribulus terrestris.
Features:Pacify vitiated tridosha, pain, arthritis, fever, cough, bronchitis, general weakness, neuropathy, nervine weakness, urinary tract diseases and boosts immune power.
4. Ayurvedic Name:Devadaru.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Cedrus deodara (Roxb.ex.D.Don) G.Don.
Features:A moderate to large sized evergreen coniferous tree grows up to 80 meters in height. Leaves needle like, sharp, pointed, triquetrous, male cones solitary, cylindrical, found at the tip of barnchlets, females globose, formed of woody placenta scales. Seeds pale brown, with longer wings aid in dispersion. Heartwood is yellowish brown, fragrant and yield oil on heating.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, pain, arthritis, ear ache, inflammation, headache, epilepsy, insomnia, cough, bronchitis, hiccough, diabetes, urinary tract infections, calculi, skin diseases and cardiac disorders. Useful part : Leaves, Heartwood, Oil.